Sezin Aksoy Turkish

"My work evolves around the idea of change, or one could call transformation. It is not only in the realms of form but also in thought and spirituality. The main concept comes from the meaning of trans, which in my own perspective summarizes the fast movement of change in life itself."


Aksoy graduated with Business Degree in Bryant University with double major and double minor in 2003, going on to complete a Fine Arts Degree in School of Museum of Fine Arts Boston today known as SMFA at Tufts University between 2005-2007. Since then she has worked in Istanbul and given solo exhibitions such as, Transfiguration in 2010 and Transpersonal in 2019 with Ekavart Gallery as well as giving solo exhibitions Transmutation in 2012 and Transcendental in 2013 in Chalabi Art Gallery in Istanbul. Aksoy attended some group shows during studies in United States and continued attending some exhibitions in Turkey. Aksoy recently attended group exhibitions with The Holy Art Gallery in 2023 and will be attending group exhibitions with Art Number 23 in Barcelona and Salzburg in September 2023.