ECLECTIC: Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories

1 December 2022 - 15 January 2023

 Eclectic creates visuals that set the universal standards of individuality and collective visual memory. 

The Eclectic group exhibition, which consists of contemporary artists accompanying Rodin, consists of artists working with various mediums, including painting, mixed-media techniques, sculpture and installations. Artists on display include RIFAT BALTAOGLU, SEBNEM UNLU, KADIR AKYOL, DANNY GIERSBERG AND OZLEM SOLOK.

The exhibition highlights the identity of the gallery, which unites different philosophies and nurtures the discourse between mediums, artistic styles and expressions, temporalities and cultures. This exhibition not only complements the gallery's creative selection, but also celebrates the selection of contemporary artists on display. Inspired by masters and masterpieces.